The Role of an Association Manager in Jefferson, GA: Key Responsibilities and Skills

The Role of an Association Manager in Jefferson, GA: Key Responsibilities and Skills

Imagine spending every day organizing documents, contacting contractors, and scheduling maintenance requests. Add communicating with homeowners, creating financial statements, and filing taxes to that list. Then, add your actual job and the chores you need to complete around the house.

As part of an association, board members volunteer hours of their time to completing these tasks. With help from an association manager, volunteers don't have to stretch themselves so thin.

Read on to discover the key responsibilities and skills an association manager can provide to help your community!

General Administration

About 2.5 million community association board and committee members complete 98.5 million hours of volunteer service every year. Many of those hours are dedicated to general administration tasks. Your association manager can help by:

  • Answering calls and responding to emails
  • Maintaining records
  • Answering questions
  • Collecting assessments

They can also review existing policies and make recommendations. With their help, you can implement new procedures to ensure organization and efficiency.

Yard and Home Maintenance

Monthly HOA fees average $170 in the US, though the majority of homeowners in HOAs pay less than $50 a month. HOA fees help improve or maintain the quality of life in the community. They can cover a variety of amenities available in the community, including:

  • Ground maintenance and repairs
  • Municipal services
  • Amenities
  • Association insurance

Maintaining your community can boost property values. A beautiful, well-maintained community is more likely to attract new members.

Your association manager will oversee all aspects of maintenance. They'll make sure every common area is safe, properly insured, and well-maintained.

To maintain these areas, they'll gather competitive bids from contractors in the area. They'll ensure all projects are completed on time and within budget.

Your manager's services can help you keep track of maintenance requests. They'll oversee expense forecasting, allowing the community to better understand how funds are spent.

The practices they put into effect can help you become a more successful community.

Internal Communications

Your community members will want regular updates regarding events, spending, and maintenance projects. Your association manager can coordinate communications between members and the board.

They can also compile to-do lists and action items for the board.

Board members won't have to worry about sending newsletters or other requests. Your manager can simplify internal communications using an online portal. Their services will streamline communications, ensuring transparency within the community.

Financial Management

If you don't have a financial expert on the board, talk to your association manager about financial management services. They'll:

  • Determine the association's financial position
  • Report on financiers
  • Monitor the budget
  • Forecast income and expenses
  • Manage accounts payable
  • Ensure invoices are paid correctly

Their budgeting finesse and forward thinking can help you find ways to save money.

Hire an Association Manager Today

Your community's board members don't have to complete every task alone. Instead, consider hiring an association manager. They'll tackle these responsibilities on your behalf, giving volunteers more time to focus on living.

PMI 23 East is committed to helping associations like yours become more effective and efficient. Our expert guidance and support can maximize your efficiency and minimize expenses.

Contact us today to discover how we can help your HOA succeed!
